Why go Private?

Why go Private?

AN OVERVIEW OF WHAT PHILADELPHIA PRIVATE SCHOOLS HAVE TO OFFER For one Philly mom, putting her two boys ages 5 and 6 into the public school system was never an option.. A former teacher in the public school system, she says her decision was largely based on the...
Selecting a Private School

Selecting a Private School

How do you choose the best Philadelphia area School for your child? Sometimes, which school a child attends is a simple matter of geography: The student enrolls at the nearest public school. However, for parents seeking more of a custom fit for their child,the greater...
Applying Process

Applying Process

You think you’ve found the perfect school. What’s next? Here’s a step-by-step look at the admissions process. INTERVIEWS The initial “getting to know you” part of the process can consist of school tours, classroom observations and interviews with admissions staff. As...
Searching for a School

Searching for a School

What Do You Need To Know ? Private school. Those two words conjure images of ivy-covered brick walls and well-mannered high-achievers in crisp uniforms. Are you considering private school for your kids? Maybe you’ve always known that your children would attend private...
Is it the right school?

Is it the right school?

The National Association of Independent Schools recommends that parents visit a school, observe carefully and ask themselves these questions: Do the students seem productive, engaged and happy? Does what you see reflect the school’s stated mission? Does the school...